Monday, 2 January 2012
Deep Peace
So Libera is one of my new favourite groups. And scrolling through their stuff, as one does, when beguiling the wanton hours (not so many and not so wanton, but you get what I mean), I came across this. I couldn't believe it. One of my favourite Celtic blessings coupled with one of my favourite groups.
How serendipitous is that?
So I know I've said it before, in these pages, but I'll say it again.
Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Or, if you prefer it in full:
Deep peace I breathe into you, O weariness, here:
O ache, here!
Deep peace, a soft white dove to You;
Deep peace, a quiet rain to you;
Deep peace, an ebbing wave to you!
Deep peace, red wind of the east from you;
Deep peace, grey wind of the west to You;
Deep peace, dark wind of the north from you;
Deep peace, blue wind of the south to you!
Deep peace, pure red of the flame to you;
Deep peace, pure white of the moon to you;
Deep peace, pure green of the grass to you;
Deep peace, pure brown of the earth to you;
Deep peace, pure grey of the dew to you,
Deep peace, pure blue of the sky to you!
Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the sleeping stones to you!
Deep peace of the Yellow Shepherd to you,
Deep peace of the Wandering Shepherdess to you,
Deep peace of the Flock of Stars to you,
Deep peace from the Son of Peace to you,
Deep peace from the heart of Mary to you,
And from Bridget of the Mantle
Deep peace, deep peace!
And with the kindness too of the Haughty Father
In the name of the Three who are One,
And by the will of the King of the Elements,
Peace! Peace!
The Dominion of Dreams : Under a Dark Star - Fiona Macleod - 1895
And again, Happy New Year. Feel free to share these thoughts.
Peace, peace, peace...
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