Monday 5 October 2015

Week 40: Forgive

Begin this week by jotting down anything, and I mean anything, you experience as annoying. This may seem counter-intuitive, recording what annoys you in your kindness journal. But the real blessing comes in recognizing these annoyances, seeing if they have something to teach you and then working to let go of them.

Next, consider why it is hard to forgive. Note your responses in your journal. Then, at a quiet time some evening, perhaps in bed or just before, ask yourself if there is something big in your life over which you are holding a grudge. What are you getting from holding this grudge? What are you giving up? Are you able to let go of it?

That's the idea this week, to practice forgiving. In the same way that it is easy to forgive a one year-old for doing something like grabbing your eyeglasses, practice forgiving people this week for any "indiscretion" you feel they have committed.

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