Life is full of surprises. I duck into Starbucks (like my favourite place at the Curve because the staff there are the friendliest and remember my name and also because it's attached to Borders - I mean how perfect is that?) when I run into Alex and Saiful sitting down having themselves a cuppa. So I join them and Alex asks me if I've claimed my free drink for getting the card yet. To claim this free drink, you need to register.
Hmmm...despite spending most of my time on the computer (who'd have thunk it 10 years ago?) I never register where I'm supposed to register. Anyway, he whips out his trusty iPhone and let's me register. And then in three minutes...the information is transferred to all Starbucks and Alex moseys on over to the counter to check. And comes back with my Christmas cranberry frappuccino. Yum!
And if that's not enough we get to talking and I ask them if they've read all the Starbucks books - Pour Your Heart Into It, How Starbucks Saved My Life and the new one Onwards...Alex has read the first and is halfway through the third but he hasn't read the second (maybe cos it's not one of Starbucks's official narratives, but rather a memoir by one of its staff) I tell him a little bit about it and whaddyaknow...he goes off and comes back with a copy of Onwards. Hardcover. You know, the one that costs about RM100 in the store?
And gives it to me for free. I am overwhelmed.
Seems like presents are lying in store, just waiting, just waiting...
I'm truly grateful.
We all talked about what they loved about working there and I told them about one of my colleagues who comes there just because the people are so friendly. It makes her feel loved.
The two boys grin. That is what they've been shooting for. Nice to get some feedback.
When I leave, we're all grinning.
Funny how Starbucks makes its way into this blog, dontcha think?
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