Wednesday 14 January 2015

52 Weeks Of Kindness: Do Something Kind For Yourself

The concept of this theme is summed up simply by the directions you are given on an airplane to put on your own air mask before helping those next to you. Why? Because to be able to do anything well, you need to first take care of yourself.

This is easy for some people and hard for others. It can also be confusing. Consider ways you can be kind to yourself that allow you to be in the best position to fulfill your unique potential. What things do you do that fill you with joy, that literally inspire you (fill you with spirit)?

But what about the idea of self-indulgence? Indeed, in our culture we seem to have made synonymous the prioritizing of ourselves with self-indulgence, selfishness, and even arrogance. I think in our hearts we know the difference. Pay attention to this, especially if you find this theme is a challenge for you.

As the week progresses, take time to reflect on your ongoing experience with the theme. Is it hard for you to prioritize yourself? If so, consider why. By the end of the week, make sure you have completed your act AND have summarized your experience in your journal. Try to make your summary concise, yet complete.

Be aware that I’m using the word "act" in the broadest sense. You may find that for you the best way to fulfill a theme is in a metaphorical way rather than a literal way. A kindness act can be a shift in your awareness or attitude. Paying attention to your internal processes and aligning with your own inner knowledge isn't indulgent, although it sometimes may look that way to others. The key is being honest with yourself.

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