Thursday 5 November 2015

Freaky serendipity

How long has it been since I shared an anecdote? Well, here goes. I was at the office, ostensibly transcribing my interview with a professor (who actually sounded quite pissed off with me; may have had something to do with my emo email accusing him of not being an honourable man because he said he would be happy to talk to me, and then, begged out) but I was really reading the Goodread "best books of the year" email and googling the books that caught my eye when I came across The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion. The cover looked interesting, so of course I Amazoned it to read what was inside.

I was charmed. Then I looked at Kinokuniya (in the middle of town on a rainy Tuesday night) to see if it was available there. It was.

And then I tried to call Borders (just next door) to see if it was available there. I couldn't.

And as I was going frantic, wondering if I should just brave the rainy jam to the middle of KL (yes, I'm crazy like that) to get the book, Li Ming calls. She tells me she's in Kino and asks if I would like anything.

I mean to say, what?????

What are the odds? Seriously!!!

I quickly fill her in on the two books I was considering. The nice people at Kino find both for her.

And I will be getting them tomorrow.

Now how's that for freaky serendipity?

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